Home, Watercolor, acrylic, and ink. It is the third and final in the Mutant triptych series. Emma and her group of mutants have finally found someone to protect them from the dangers of their post-apocalyptic world. "We must HOPE to RISE, We need a HOME to be SAFE"
Rise, Watercolor, Acrylic, and Ink. It is the second painting in the Mutant Triptych series. Emma has found many friends who have helped her on her journey to find a new home. Their guide is a strange mutant who knows all the undergoing of the new post-apocalyptic world.
Hope, Acrylic, and Ink. It's the first painting in the mutant triptych series. Emma is struggling with a world that has drastically changed. She is scared and also going through withdrawal from the drug that started it all. Luckily a guide to a better future comes from the shadows.